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Labyrinth Part 2: Preparation

As you ponder the prospect of walking the labyrinth I invite you to pay attention to what is happening within your body, mind, emotions and spirit as the time approaches.

The questions below are suggestions only. If you choose to read through them, pay attention to the questions that spark a response in you; those are the questions - and responses - you can examine more closely as a 'warm up' - to prepare your mind, spirit, emotions, and body for the Labyrinth experience. You may want to write down your thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, or spiritual movements to reflect on during and after your walk. Notice any contrasts between your preparation/warm-up, during the labyrinth exercise, and the 'cool down' afterwards. Become aware of the Divine gaze of Love upon you as you ponder these things.

1 How are you feeling right now as you think about the prospect of walking the labyrinth?

  • Where in your body do you feel this response? What physical sensations do you notice?

  • What emotions do you notice? What, if any, 'secondary'* emotions are you aware of?

    *feelings about the emotions you are feeling are what is meant by 'secondary emotions'. It's not uncommon to have culturally-influenced emotional reactions about the emotions you feel - especially about emotions or practices some communities view as 'bad', dangerous, 'sinful', stupid, etc. An example of a secondary emotion could be feeling dismissive (secondary emotion) about your nervousness (primary emotion) about your labyrinth experience.

  • As you anticipate this spiritual practice what invitation, if any, do you sense from God/Divine Presence/Creator/Spirit ?

  • What expectations of the exercise can you identify?

2 What questions or concerns come to mind as you prepare?

3 What do you sense Wisdom is drawing your attention to focus on as you walk the labyrinth?

4 Review your year (or, if you prefer, last month/week)- taking note of the highs and lows of your life during this time period.

  • Where did you notice you were moving with visible 'progress' toward what you consider the right direction? Toward God?

  • Where did you notice you were moving away from the direction you wanted to go?

  • What emotions do you experience as you reflect on those times of moving toward/away from where you wanted to go?

5 When you consider asking for discernment, what challenge or unknown in your personal experience comes to mind ? View this challenge/unknown as the 'destination' you are journeying toward.

  • Describe what this destination looks and/or feels like as you look toward it.

  • Imagine you have arrived at this destination. How does it feel?

  • What do you sense you need to equip you for this journey?

6 "What do you want Me [Jesus] to do for you?" (Mark 10:51-52)

7 "What are you looking for?" (John 1:38)

What do you long for/desire?


These, and other questions and reflections will be the fodder of our post-labyrinth discussion group. Often, as we share aloud our reflections and responses of internal encounters with ourselves and Spirit, we may notice new insights we miss if we keep it to ourselves. Moreover, sharing with others allows them to reflect back to you what they notice, perhaps asking questions that may bring deeper awareness of the movements within.

Once everyone as had an opportunity to walk the labyrinth there will be a time to share our experiences, responses and reflections with one another. It's amazing to hear how this practice can engage people so differently. This will be a safe space where participants are encouraged to listen attentively without offering comments, judgement, or advice on the sharing of others.

It is possible that some experiences may be too intimate or unsettling to share in a group. That's ok too. Reflect on your experience - be curious about what your inner wisdom wants to communicate to you through it. If the experience is somehow unsettling, or you would like to examine it more closely with someone else's perspective, find a trusted friend - or Spiritual Director who is trained in holy listening - who will refrain from judgement or advice, but rather will offer a listening mirror for you. Sometimes the very process of speaking your story aloud, without interruption or the risk of judgement, helps to clarify what Spirit is drawing your attention to.

Practical Items:

Please note that King's Park, where the Labyrinth is located, is off King's Drive, NORTH of the river. (don't make my mistake and follow Google Maps to the south side - you will not be able to access the park from this location as there is no bridge to cross)

Consider arriving early to take the opportunity to read the informative signs about the labyrinth. The explanations provided there may offer further direction to focus your thoughts as you walk.

The only bathrooms at the park are located at the first parking lot (see map below) This is quite a walk from the labyrinth.

The second parking lot is closer to the labyrinth and is the best place to park your vehicle.

There is a path to the right of the lot that leads past the pond and to the labyrinth. Use the map below to orient yourself prior to arrival.

Please dress appropriately for the weather and wear waterproof footwear as it may be muddy in places.

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